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This data set represents the regions for level 1, 2 and 3 of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) for 2010. The NUTS nomenclature is a hierarchical classification of statistical regions and subdivides the EU economic territory into regions of three different levels (NUTS 1, 2 and 3, respectively, moving from larger to smaller territorial units). NUTS 1 is the most aggregated level. The NUTS classification has been officially established through Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amendments. A non official NUTS-like classification has been defined for the EFTA countries and candidate countries. An introduction to the NUTS classification is available here: This data set has been created mainly from the EuroBoundary Map v 5.0 (Eurogeographics), geographic information from TurkStat for Turkey, the Global Administrative Unit Layer from FAO (UN) for Macedonia and a list of communes per statistical region provided by the countries. Six scale ranges (100K, 1M, 3M, 10M and 20M, 60M) are available. The public data set (1M - 60M) is available for download at The full data set (100K - 60M) is available to EEA due to EEA having a valid EBM v5.0 licence. Coverage is the economical territory of the EU, EFTA countries and candidate countries as in 2010. These metadata are derived from the original metadata records available at Inspire@EC.
This dataset represents the regions for levels 1, 2 and 3 of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) for 2013. The NUTS nomenclature is a hierarchical classification of statistical regions and subdivides the EU economic territory into regions of three different levels (NUTS 1, 2 and 3, moving respectively from larger to smaller territorial units). NUTS 1 is the most aggregated level. The NUTS classification has been officially established through Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council and its amendments. A non-official NUTS-like classification has been defined for the EFTA countries and candidate countries. An introduction to the NUTS classification is available here: This dataset has been created mainly from the EuroBoundary Map v 8.x (Eurogeographics) and geographic information from TurkStat for Turkey. The public dataset is available at 1M, 3M, 10M, 20M, 60M, while the full dataset at 100K is restricted. Coverage is the economic territory of the EU, EFTA countries and candidate countries as in 2013. This metadata only refers to the full dataset at 100k and shall only be used internally by the EEA following the conditions stated in the document "GISCO-LicenseconditionsforEGdatasets.pdf" provided with the dataset. This metadata has been slightly adapted from the original metadata file provided by Eurostat (European Commission) and is to be used only for internal EEA purposes. For reference, the original metadata file provided by ESTAT (NUTS_2013.xml) is also available for download together with the dataset. The public datasets, at smaller scales, are available on
The dataset represents the administrative boundaries of the 39 EEA countries at various aggregation level: Country (NUTS0), NUTS1, NUTS2, and NUTS3 regions. The dataset is created in raster format with a spatial resolution of 100m grid size. Spatial extent of the dataset is adjusted to the latest Corine Land Cover product [Corine Land Cover 2012 (raster 100m) - version 18, Sep. 2016]. Administrative boundaries were derived from the EUROSTAT GISCO dataset [European Commission, Eurostat (ESTAT), GISCO -Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2016 (NUTS), Mar. 2018], EuroGeographics product [EuroBoundaryMap (full European coverage) - version 12, Jan. 2018], and coastal areas were derived from the Economic Exclusive Zone dataset [version 10.0 available in]. This dataset is created as a reference layer for performing spatial analysis and calculating statistics at country level for the European territory as needed by accounting activities such as Land and Ecosystem Accounting (LEAC).
This dataset represents the administrative boundaries of the 38 EEA countries and the United Kingdom at various aggregation levels using the NUTS classification (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics): country (NUTS0), NUTS1, NUTS2, and NUTS3 regions. The dataset has been created in raster format with a spatial resolution of 100m grid size. This dataset has been created as a reference layer for performing spatial analysis and calculating statistics at country level for the European territory as needed by accounting activities such as Land and Ecosystem Accounting (LEAC). The dataset has been derived from the EuroBoundaryMap 2020 (EBM 2020) from EuroGeographics, while coastal areas were derived from the Economic Exclusive Zone dataset version 11 (from the Flanders Marine Institute IMIS). The Eurostat GISCO database has also been used to validate/check eventual gaps in EBM 2020.
EuroRegionalMap (ERM) is a Pan-European topographic vector dataset at scale 1:250000, that is seamless and harmonized across boundaries. It is produced in cooperation by the National Mapping Agencies of the participating countries (NMCAs) using official national databases. Thematic layers: Administrative Boundaries (BND), Hydrography (HYDRO), Miscellaneous (MISC), Named Location (NAME), Settlement (POP), Transportation (TRANS), Vegetation and Soils (VEG) as well as Points of Interest. This metadata refers to the version 11.1 of ERM. For more information about the data product specifications and changes with respect to the previous version of this dataset (ERM v11 and ERMv10), please refer to the documents "ERM_v11-1_DataSpecification_EuroStat.pdf", "ERM_v11_TechnicalGuide.pdf" and "ERM(EC)_v11.1_Lineage_FullEurope.doc" provided with the dataset. Main changes with respect to these previous versions are that the NMCAs updated BND, HYDRO, MISC and NAME thematic layers, and that the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) of the European Commission identified the Trans-European Transport Network for roads, railways, airports, ports and the watercourse system. This metadata has been slightly adapted from the original metadata file provided by EuroGeographics and is to be used only for internal EEA purposes. For reference, the original metadata file created by EuroGeographics is provided together with the dataset under the "metadata" folder.
EuroRegionalMap (ERM) is a Pan-European topographic vector dataset at scale 1:250000, that is, seamless and harmonized across boundaries. It is produced in cooperation by the National Mapping Agencies of the participating countries (NMCAs) using official national databases. Thematic layers: Administrative Boundaries (BND), Hydrography (HYDRO), Miscellaneous (MISC), Named Location (NAME), Settlement (POP), Transportation (TRANS), Vegetation and Soils (VEG) as well as Points of Interest. This metadata refers to the version 2019 of ERM, with the general reference for the supply being December 2018. The dataset is provided both in GDB and SHP formats. Main changes with respect to versions ERM v11.0 and v11.1 are: - The administrative boundaries have been updated using EBM 2019 as data source. Some countries (Great Britain, Moldova and Romania) have slightly adapted them so to fit with the topographical features of ERM. - Update of transportation, settlement, vegetation themes. - Data from Ukraine as well as French Guiana (GF), Guadeloupe (GP), Martinique (MQ), Reunion (RE), Mayotte (YT), Saint Barthélemy (BL) and Saint Martin (MF) as overseas departments/collectivities of France belonging to the European Union are included in ERM 2019. For more information about the data product specifications please refer to the documents "ERM_2019_DataSpecification_EuroStat.pdf", "ERM_2019_TechnicalGuide.pdf" and "ERM_Eurostat_Lineage_ERM_2019.pdf" provided with the dataset under the link "Documents". IMPORTANT NOTE: This dataset is only to be used internally in the EEA, for the purposes and under the conditions stated under the "Resource Constraints" elements of this metadata file and on the document "LicenseConditions.pdf" provided with this dataset under the link "Documents". This metadata has been slightly adapted from the original metadata file provided by EuroGeographics and is to be used only for internal EEA purposes. For reference, the original metadata file created by EuroGeographics is provided together with the dataset under "Documents" link ("ERM_Eurostat_Metadata_ERM_2019.xml" within the "Metadata").