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DK INSPIRE PF EU registry (2018)
Det geografiske kvadratnet kan benyttes som referencenet sammen med baggrundskort, ortofoto eller egne data. Kvadratnettet kan vises i forskellige farver og kortprojektioner. Der findes også et europæisk EUROGRID. Det danske Kvadratnet er et supplement til EUROGRID. Begge kvadratnet kan bruges nationalt og europæisk. Det geografiske kvadratnet inddeler landet i tusindvis af transparente celler, der gør det muligt at lave kortpræsentationer, hvor kvadratnettet benyttes som et lag oven på andre webservices eller egne data. Du kan vælge mellem tre forskellige cellestørrelser – 1x1 km, 5x5 km, og 10x10 km afhængig af om du har brug for lokale regionale eller landsdækkende kortpræsentationer. De tre forskellige cellestørrelse kan hentes i kortprojektionerne: ETRS89 /UTM Zone 32 og ETRS89 / UTM Zone 33. Kvadratnettet kan vises i forskellige farver, passende til baggrundskort eller ortofotos.
Datasæt over Tilladelser/Rettigheder til muslingebrug i danske farvande. Når der bliver givet en tilladelse til muslingebrug, registreres oplysningerne i et excel-regneark centralt i Fiskeristyrelsen, hvorefter data udstilles med jævne mellemrum i Fiskeristyrelsens Geo-webservices.
Datasættet indeholder referencepunkter for de faste anlæg, der anvendes i forbindelse med olie- og gasproduktion offshore. Datasættet opdateres ad hoc og findes som en shape fil med punkter. Datasættet er projiceret i UTM zone 32N baseret på ED 50.
Bygnings- og Boligregistret (BBR) er et landsdækkende register med data om samtlige landets bygninger og boliger. Oplysningerne i BBR dækker bl.a. areal, beliggenhed, anvendelse, installationer, vand- og afløbsforhold, køkkenforhold, ydervægs- og tagdækningsmaterialer m.v.
Datasæt over Tilladelser/Rettigheder til bundgarn i danske farvande. Bundgarnstilladelser gives enten af inspektorat øst eller vest, der herefter registrerer oplysninger om den afgivne tilladelse.
This dataset presents the refined version of the degree of urbanisation of European countries. The degree of urbanisation relies on a population grid to classify local units. Originally the classification system was developed for the European Statistical System to classify local units into three classes (level 1): cities, towns & suburbs, and rural areas. In this version the classification was further refined (level 2) to also identify smaller individual settlements; distinguishing towns from suburbs and identifying villages, dispersed areas and mostly uninhabited areas in former rural areas class. The final classes of the refined degree of urbanisation dataset are six, namely 1) cities, 2) towns, 3) suburbs, 4) villages, 5) dispersed rural areas and 6) mostly uninhabited areas. The temporal reference is set between 2011 and 2012 because of the main inputs, the GEOSTAT population grid 2011 and the European Settlement Map 2012 from Copernicus. IMPORTANT NOTE: This metadata has been created using draft documentation provided by the European Commission, DG REGIO. This dataset has been created by the European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO) in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre (JRC). Re-distribution or re-use of this dataset is allowed provided that the source is acknowledged.
This data set corresponds to the global offshore wind farm boundaries with the following attributes for each project: + WindfarmId (ID of the windfarm) + Name (Name of the windfarm) + Country (Country code) + Status (Status code) + WindfarmStatus (Windfarm Status or Project Status) + StatusComments (Comments on the Windfarm Status or Project Status) + CapacityMWMin (Capacity of the windfarm - Min) + CapacityMWMax (Capacity of the windfarm - Max) + NoTurbinesMin (Number of turbines - Min) + NoTurbinesMax (Number of turbines - Max) + Comments (Comments) + TurbineMWMin (Capacity of the turbine (set-up in the windfarm) - Min) + TurbineMWMax (Capacity of the turbine (set-up in the windfarm) - Max) + OtherNames (Other name of the windfarm) + CountryName (Country where the windfarm is set) + Lat (Geographic coordinate - centre latitude) + Lon (Geographic coordinate - centre longitude) + IsEstimatedLocation (This is where we know that a project exists but we don't know its exact location.) + IsOnHold + Developers (Developer(s) of the windfarm) + Owners (Owner of the windfarm) + Operators (Operator of the windfarm) + OffshoreConstructionStarts The frequency of the database release is monthly. This data set corresponds to the release of January 2020. This data set is strictly for internal EEA use as is subjected to a commercial license. Given the limited user subscriptions available, interested users should contact the SDI Team ( to be granted access to the data set.
Offshore Wind Farm locations and attribute data. List of main attributes provided in the spatial dataset: + WindfarmId (ID of the windfarm) + Name_1 (Name of the windfarm) + OtherNames (Other name of the windfarm) + CountryNam (Country where the windfarm is set) + Comments (Comments) + WindfarmSt (Windfarm Status or Project Status) + CapacityMW (Capacity of the windfarm) + NoTurbines (Number of turbines (probably those that are set in the windfarm)) + IsEstimate (IsEstimate is meant to read Is Estimated Location. This is where we know that a project exists but we don't know its exact location, for example, we know that its location off the coast from a given town. An example of this would be FR27 Cote d'Albatre II.) + Developers (Developer(s) of the windfarm) + Owners (Owner of the windfarm) + Operators (Operator of the windfarm)
Offshore Wind Farm locations and attribute data. List of main attributes provided in the spatial dataset: + WindfarmId (ID of the windfarm) + Name_1 (Name of the windfarm) + OtherNames (Other name of the windfarm) + CountryNam (Country where the windfarm is set) + Comments (Comments) + WindfarmSt (Windfarm Status or Project Status) + CapacityMW (Capacity of the windfarm) + NoTurbines (Number of turbines (probably those that are set in the windfarm)) + IsEstimate (IsEstimate is meant to read Is Estimated Location. This is where we know that a project exists but we don't know its exact location, for example, we know that its location off the coast from a given town. An example of this would be FR27 Cote d'Albatre II.) + Developers (Developer(s) of the windfarm) + Owners (Owner of the windfarm) + Operators (Operator of the windfarm)