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  • Reference layer of the catchments of sensitive areas, Nov. 2017 is one of the datasets produced within the frame of the reporting under 9th UWWTD Art.15 reporting period (UWWTD data call 2015). The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) (91/271/EEC) obliges Member States to report data on the implementation of the Directive upon request from the European Commission bi-annually. Reported data include receiving areas as designated under UWWTD, agglomerations, urban waste water treatment plants serving the agglomerations and points of discharges. Receiving area is the area receiving discharges of waste water from agglomerations. SA_catchment: the layer displays catchments of sensitive areas designated by Member States as sensitive.

  • EU-Hydro is a dataset for all EEA39 countries providing photo-interpreted river network, consistent of surface interpretation of water bodies (lakes and wide rivers), and a drainage model (also called Drainage Network), derived from EU-DEM, with catchments and drainage lines and nodes. The production of EU-Hydro public beta and the derived layers was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.

  • EU-Hydro is a dataset for all EEA39 countries providing photo-interpreted river network, consistent of surface interpretation of water bodies (lakes and wide rivers), and a drainage model (also called Drainage Network), derived from EU-DEM, with catchments and drainage lines and nodes. The production of EU-Hydro and the derived layers was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.

  • EU-Hydro is a dataset for all EEA38 countries and the United Kingdom providing photo-interpreted river network, consistent of surface interpretation of water bodies (lakes and wide rivers), and a drainage model (also called Drainage Network), derived from EU-DEM, with catchments and drainage lines and nodes. The EU-Hydro dataset is distributed in separate files (river network and drainage network) for each of the 35 major basins of the EEA38 + UK area. The production of EU-Hydro and the derived layers was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.

  • EU-Hydro is a dataset for all EEA38 countries and the United Kingdom providing photo-interpreted river network, consistent of surface interpretation of water bodies (lakes and wide rivers), and a drainage model (also called Drainage Network), derived from EU-DEM, with catchments and drainage lines and nodes. The EU-Hydro dataset is distributed in separate files (river network and drainage network) for each of the 35 major basins of the EEA38 + UK area, in GDB and GPKG formats. The production of EU-Hydro and the derived layers was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.

  • EU-Hydro is a dataset for all EEA38 countries and United Kingdom providing photo-interpreted river network, consistent of surface interpretation of water bodies (lakes and wide rivers), and a drainage model (also called Drainage Network), derived from EU-DEM, with catchments and drainage lines and nodes. This metadata refers to the coastal areas included in the EU-Hydro dataset, merged into a single file. The production of EU-Hydro and the derived layers was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.

  • EU-Hydro is a dataset for all EEA38 countries and United Kingdom providing photo-interpreted river network, consistent of surface interpretation of water bodies (lakes and wide rivers), and a drainage model (also called Drainage Network), derived from EU-DEM, with catchments and drainage lines and nodes. This metadata refers to the EU-Hydro coastline, which is disseminated as one shapefile merged for all 35 basins. The coastline is also included for each basin in the EU-Hydro River Network Database. The production of EU-Hydro and the derived layers was coordinated by the European Environment Agency in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme.