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  • One key parameter for soil erosion modelling is the soil erodibility, expressed as the K- factor in the commonly used soil erosion model USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation). The K-factor is related to crucial soil factors triggering erosion (organic matter content, soil texture, soil structure, permeability). We calculated soil erodibility using measured soil data, collected during the 2009 LUCAS (Land Use and Cover Area frame Survey) soil survey campaign across the member states of the European Union. The estimation method of soil erodibility is based on the LUCAS point data. Since the density of points has a variety, we have performed a first assessment of Uncertainty based on the number of points in the 10km Grid Cell (dataset called uncertainty.tif available in the same folder as k-factor). Soil erodibility is expressed in [(t ha h)/(ha MJ mm)]. This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • The European Soil Database (ESDB) contains four discrete datasets: - the Soil Geographical Database of Eurasia at scale 1:1,000,000 (SGDBE) - the Pedotransfer Rules Database (PTRDB) - the Soil Profile Analytical Database of Europa (SPADBE) - the Database of Hydraulic Properties of European Soils (HYPRES) This 1km x 1km raster version release of the database is freely available to the public and contains a 1km raster version of the vector based soil geometry (which is part of the SGDBE). Raster values have been derived using the "features to raster" tool in the Spatial Analyst extension of ArcGIS, the feature layer being a shapefile created from the SGDBE geometrical database to which attributes from SGDBE and PTRDB have been linked according to the "dominant STU" principle for the "dominant STU" rasters. Dominant STU principle: For each SMU (Soil Mapping Unit): a “dominant STU” is associated. (“dominant” in terms of % of area). The value of a soil attribute A (e.g. depth-to-rock) for this SMU would be the value that A has within that dominant STU. The attributes are described at: This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • The European Soil Database (ESDB) contains four discrete datasets: - the Soil Geographical Database of Eurasia at scale 1:1,000,000 (SGDBE) - the Pedotransfer Rules Database (PTRDB) - the Soil Profile Analytical Database of Europa (SPADBE) - the Database of Hydraulic Properties of European Soils (HYPRES) This 1km x 1km raster version release of the database is freely available to the public and contains a 1km raster version of the vector based soil geometry (which is part of the SGDBE). Raster values have been derived using the "features to raster" tool in the Spatial Analyst extension of ArcGIS, the feature layer being a shapefile created from the SGDBE geometrical database to which attributes from SGDBE and PTRDB have been linked according to the "dominant value" principle for the "dominant value" rasters. Dominant Value principle: For each SMU (Soil Mapping Unit) and for a soil attribute P: the value of P is the class value that appears most within the SMU, i.e. each SMU is fully coloured with the colour assigned to the attribute class which is dominant within each SMU. The attributes are described at: This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • Global estimates of soil organic carbon stocks have been produced in the past to support the calculation of potential emissions of CO2 from the soil under scenarios of change land use/cover and climatic conditions (IPCC, 2006), but very few global estimates are presented as spatial data. For global spatial layers on soil parameters, the most recent and complete dataset is available as the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). The HWSD represents a step forward towards a spatially more detailed and thematically more refined set of global soil data. This dataset contains the organic carbon density (t ha-1) for the topsoil (0 – 30cm) from the amended HWSD. This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • Global estimates of soil organic carbon stocks have been produced in the past to support the calculation of potential emissions of CO2 from the soil under scenarios of change land use/cover and climatic conditions (IPCC, 2006), but very few global estimates are presented as spatial data. For global spatial layers on soil parameters, the most recent and complete dataset is available as the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). The HWSD represents a step forward towards a spatially more detailed and thematically more refined set of global soil data. This dataset contains the organic carbon density (t ha-1) for the topsoil (30 - 100cm) from the amended HWSD. The original delivery from JRC consisted of two files in IDRISI Raster format, each covering half of the globe. For convenience, these files have been merged at EEA into a single GeoTIFF file covering the whole globe. The original files are in the zip archive This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • Soil erosion is a natural process, occurring over geological time, and indeed it is a process that is essential for soil formation in the first place. With respect to soil degradation, most concerns about erosion are related to accelerated erosion, where the natural rate has been significantly increased mostly by human activity. Soil erosion by water is a widespread problem throughout Europe. PESERA (Pan European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment) has been created in order to design a model and to handle spatial and temporal data of variable quality and detail and to enable the impacts of agricultural policy, land use and climate changes to be assessed and monitored across Europe. The Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment - PESERA - uses a process-based and spatially distributed model to quantify soil erosion by water and assess its risk across Europe. This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • Global estimates of soil organic carbon stocks have been produced in the past to support the calculation of potential emissions of CO2 from the soil under scenarios of change land use/cover and climatic conditions (IPCC, 2006), but very few global estimates are presented as spatial data. For global spatial layers on soil parameters, the most recent and complete dataset is available as the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). The HWSD represents a step forward towards a spatially more detailed and thematically more refined set of global soil data. This dataset contains the organic carbon density (t ha-1) for the subsoil (30 - 100cm) from the amended HWSD. The original delivery from JRC consisted of two files in IDRISI Raster format, each covering half of the globe. For convenience, these files have been merged at EEA into a single GeoTIFF file covering the whole globe. The original files are in the zip archive This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • This map shows the natural susceptibility of agricultural soils to compaction if they were to be exposed to compaction. The evaluation of the soil’s natural susceptibility is based on the creation of logical connections between relevant parameters (pedotransfer rules). The input parameters for these pedotransfer rules are taken from the attributes of the European soil database, e.g. soil properties: type, texture and water regime, depth to textural change and the limitation of the soil for agricultural use. Besides the main parameters auxiliary parameters have been used as impermeable layer, depth of an obstacle to roots, water management system, dominant and secondary land use. It was assumed that every soil, as a porous medium, could be compacted. The map of natural soil susceptibility to compaction was created from the evaluation of selected parameters from the ESDB. The soil susceptibility to compaction was divided into 4 categories. Two additional categories represent the data concerning places where this evaluation was either not relevant or could not been provided because of lack of information. In total there are 6 categories (attribute "Evaluation" in the shapefile): 0 - no soil. This represents water bodies, glaciers and rock outcrops 1 - low susceptibility to compaction 2. - medium susceptibility to compaction 3. - high susceptibility to compaction 4. - very high susceptibility to compaction 9. - no evaluation possible. This was the case of towns including also soils, soils disturbed by man and marsh. This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • This map shows the natural susceptibility of agricultural soils to compaction if they were to be exposed to compaction. The evaluation of the soil’s natural susceptibility is based on the creation of logical connections between relevant parameters (pedotransfer rules). The input parameters for these pedotransfer rules are taken from the attributes of the European soil database, e.g. soil properties: type, texture and water regime, depth to textural change and the limitation of the soil for agricultural use. Besides the main parameters auxiliary parameters have been used as impermeable layer, depth of an obstacle to roots, water management system, dominant and secondary land use. It was assumed that every soil, as a porous medium, could be compacted. The map of natural soil susceptibility to compaction was created from the evaluation of selected parameters from the ESDB. The soil susceptibility to compaction was divided into 4 categories. Two additional categories represent the data concerning places where this evaluation was either not relevant or could not been provided because of lack of information. In total there are 6 categories (attribute "Evaluation" in the shapefile): 0 - no soil. This represents water bodies, glaciers and rock outcrops 1 - low susceptibility to compaction 2. - medium susceptibility to compaction 3. - high susceptibility to compaction 4. - very high susceptibility to compaction 9. - no evaluation possible. This was the case of towns including also soils, soils disturbed by man and marsh. This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.

  • Maps of estimated total zinc concentrations in soils using 1588 geo-referenced topsoil samples from the FOREGS Geochemical database. The concentrations were interpolated using block regression-kriging over the 26 European countries that contributed to the database. Heavy metal contents are expressed in mg kg-1. This metadata record is adapted from the orginal one received from JRC.