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Results from laboratory analyses related to ongoing water well and drinkng water control
The Samba database among other things contains information about deep wells in the Danish sector, acquired according to the Danish Act on the Use of the Subsoil. That is: exploration, delimitation and production wells related to oil/gas. Also wells with other purposes such as: geothermal energy, gas storage, salt production and scientific research. The data sets contains technical, administrative and geological information about the well and about the geophysical measurements undertaken in the well (well logs and reports). Data are submitted by the company to whom the permission has been granted. The database is updated on an ongoing basis.
Nationwide geophysical database for environmental and raw material data, also known as GERDA (GEophysical Relational DAtabase). The database contains various types of geophysics, including geoelectrics, electromagnetics, borehole logs and seismic. All data is freely available for download on the GEUS website. The database is updated continuously.
The Jupiter Database is GEUS ' nationwide database for groundwater, drinking water, raw materials, environmental and geotechnical data. The database is the single public data base in the field and is included in the National Environmental Portal. The database is publicly available and is updated on an ongoing basis.
The Samba database contains information about geophysical investigations made in the Danish sector, acquired according to the Danish Act on the Use of the Subsoil. The data is acquired in relation to investigation for oil/gas, geothermal energy, the storage of gas or salt. That is: Seismic (2D & 3D) acquisitions, CSEM as well as other magnetic and gravity acquisitions shipborne as well as airborne. The dataset also contains geophysical measurement performed in the deep wells and meta data about the seismic surveys. The data has been submitted by the licensees. The database is updated on an ongoing basis.
Datasættet angiver søkort data visualiseret i S57-format og er en afspejling af Geodatastyrelsens ENC data. Datasættet indeholder informationer om dybder, afmærkninger m.m. Datasættet anvendes til papir og elektroniske søkort, og datasættet er betalings belagt. Udfra datasættet bliver der generet en S-57 WMS som IKKE BEREGNET TIL NAVIGATION, der henvises til køb af papirkort og/eller køb af ENC celler. Servicen er til brug for sagsbehandling for myndigheder som er på statsaftalen - kontakt Geodatastyrelsen for adgang.