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Havvand på Land er et afledt hydrologisk analyseprodukt som er beregnet på baggrund af højdemodellen Havstigning. Havvand på Land viser hvilke arealer der bliver oversvømmet ved en given havvandstand. Hver celleværdi angiver det havniveau over middelvandstand, der foranlediger oversvømmelse af cellen.
Flow ekstremregn er et rasterkort der viser oplandsstørrelse i kvadratmeter for hver celle. Kortet kan bruges til at analysere hvor vandet ville løbe i tilfælde af ekstremregn. Det antages at terrænet er uigennemtrængeligt, dvs. det vil vise en worst-case-scenarie hvor der ikke tages højde for kloakafløb og nedsivning. Produktet kan anvendes selvstændigt eller f.eks. kombineres med Bluespot for at undersøge, hvor vandet i en given bluespot kommer fra.
The cadastral map is a key component of the national cadastre. It illustrates all property boundaries and ownership data from across Denmark. It also provides information about protected forests, coastal erostion areas and cliff protection. The cadastral map is a digital legal document. It is intended to present the cadastral register in visual form, such that individual parcels can be identified along with their attribute data (cadastral number, road access, etc.). The cadastral map is also used to determine precisely where property boundaries exist in the landscape, especially when 'actual' boundaries do not match the official 'paper' property boundaries exactly.
Data is represented as polygons where each have a code from the HILUC code list specifying the use in the area (polygon). For instence Residental Use is the HILUCS code for the objects in source data (GeoDanmark) with feature type name "Sportsanlæg" (areas for sport).
Data includes the official boundaries of the administrative areas in Denmark. Besides the coast line of Denmark are areas divided into: Regions (2nd level) and Municipalities (3rd level).
Data represents the facilities and areas in Danish airports.
Danish Named Place data contain names on everything from the tree “Konge egen” and the city center to the peninsula Jutland. There are 140,000 Danish Named Places in total, all registered with a geographical location as a point, line or polygon that describes the geographical distribution of the Named place.
Owners of real estate, real estate agents, lawyers, land surveyors, public authorities and others need to know if a forest is preservation. This is an important information, because areas must be driven by the forestry rules on sustainable operation. A forest that is required for preservation must consist of trees that either form or are growing up to the forest of tall trees. Mosses, herds, meadows and the like, which naturally belong to a peace forest, must be preserved as they are, regardless of size. The preservation obligation follows the property. This means that a new owner always takes over the peace forest duty upon purchase of the property. Preservation duty is preceded by other rights, and does not lapse if the property is on a forced sale.